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A diversity of surgical strategies from global experts

Register now for Getinge next webinar presented in Collaboration with CTSNet.

In this interactive session, leading experts from US and Europe are keen to share their techniques and strategies with you through recorded cases. They will discuss the latest clinical evidence on advanced aortic root surgery and repair.

Topics & Speakers:

  • "Importance of Annuloplasty to Standardize and Increase the Rate of Aortic Valve Repair" by Emmanuel Lansac, M.D., Ph.D.

  • "Cardioroot as an External Support to the Pulmonary Autograft: Indication and Outcomes" by Laurent De Kerchove, M.D.

  • "Cardioroot for Biobental and Aortic Valve Reimplantation Procedures" by Katherine Harrington, M.D. & William Brinkman, M.D.

Register now! 

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