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Service arising from Passion for Life

Getinge’s service team in India is right now working around the clock to help hospitals with equipment needed to treat the growing number of COVID-19 patients. The driving force to continue entering dangerous hospital areas originates from Getinge’s brand promise – Passion for Life.


Families waiting worried at home, taxi drivers refusing drop-off at hospitals, patients fearing for their lives, a ruthless heat, and non-stop work schedules – these are some of the things that signifies life for Getinge’s service technicians in India right now.

“We are facing a brutal second wave of COVID-19. The need for installation and maintenance of ventilators and other equipment that can help treat the patients affected by the virus is sky high,” tells Sumit Chakraborty, who is one of Getinge’s Service Technicians in the Kolkata region.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 dashboards, India is the number one place in the world where the virus right now escalates the most. Health care staff are working around the clock while more and more patients seek care in a second wave that is hitting the country hard.

“The hospitals are full; right now there are more patients than beds,” tells Madhuseguntha Durairaj. “Once we have installed or finished maintenance of a ventilator it is immediately connected to a new COVID-19 patient, sometimes even before we leave the room.”

Madhuseguntha is a Service Technician in the Puducherry region where new service tasks are incoming with a relentless pace. It is the same for Unmesh Kulkarni who is working in the Pune region.

“We need to be quicker than ever before from the moment the customer calls until we are handing over the solution. It is a long chain of people from sales, logistics and back office workers who accomplish fantastic team work every day to get things done,” he says.

All three of them are certain that this difficult time will get better and they are fully focused on helping out as much as they can to improve the situation.

“The driving force is the same as Getinge’s brand promise – Passion for Life. When we enter the field this is what we carry with us inside,” says Madhuseguntha.

Unmesh agrees and adds:

“In the back of the mind there is of course fear of carrying infections home to our families, but we take all the safety measures we can and clean up before entering home or work. We do all in our power to care for patients, health care staff and families.”

Right now, the requests for service can come anytime, day or night. Both Unmesh, Madhuseguntha and Sumit are exhausted but always ready to rush.

“We stand by our customers in this tragedy and no matter what time it is we focus on completing the installations. The equipment helps more COVID-19 patients recover faster and it feels good that we can contribute and pave the way for a better tomorrow,” Sumit concludes.
